Burroughs Education Scholarship: $2,500 for college! Jan. 31 is the application deadline.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

1.      Be a graduating high school senior heading to college

2.      Have at least one parent or legal guardian who is a school employee

Additionally, the scholarship is awarded based on academic achievement, career goals, and character. Apply online.

Celebrate the end of the semester AND get your questions answered about RAFO, our upcoming contract negotiations, and the RU/RMU acquisition at the RAFO Membership Meeting and Holiday Party!

The meeting/party combo will take place Friday, December 6 from 3 - 6 PM, at Exchequer Pub at 226 S. Wabash Ave.

Roosevelt University is currently accepting application materials for the positions listed below. RAFO highly encourages our membership to apply.

Pasquinelli Family Distinguished Chair in Real Estate: http://jobs.roosevelt.edu/postings/4957

Assistant Professor, Counseling & Human Services: http://jobs.roosevelt.edu/postings/5118

Lecturer, Microbiology: http://jobs.roosevelt.edu/postings/5121

Clinical Assistant Professor and Program Director, Instructional Leadership: http://jobs.roosevelt.edu/postings/5129



RAFO Members:

As lead negotiator for the 2020-2024 contract, I am pleased to announce that your negotiating team and Roosevelt University have come to an agreement. RAFO is extremely pleased with the final outcome and we believe you will be, too. The University was adamant on 0% for the first year, but as an offset for that 0%, we negotiated a signing bonus of $150 for each bargaining unit member that taught either in Spring 2020 or will teach in the upcoming Fall 2020 semester. That then takes us into the final three years of the contract where adjuncts will receive a 2% increase for each of those years.

As I hope you can see from the above, RAFO worked hard to ensure that you are rewarded for the professionalism and integrity all have shown during these unusual and trying times. We are attaching a copy of the final contract for you to review and eventually ratify. The areas that appear in green are changes that were made to the verbiage in the contract that will support RAFO during the upcoming 4 years.  Appendix A reflects the 2% increase for each step in the final three years.

A link with the time will be sent next week for all to join this a zoom meeting, where we can answer your questions about the contract.

In closing, we hope you will be as excited as we are regarding the new contract.

In solidarity,

Don Wlodarski and the RAFO team:

Jen Wilson, Joseph Fedorko, Amelia Hicks, Stan Traywick, Mike Pinsoff and Dennis Tucker