RAFO Professional Development Form

Adjunct Faculty Mini-Grant Application, Fall, 2023


ELIGIBILITY:  Funds are available to adjunct faculty who are full bargaining unit members of RAFO.  This professional development activity should be designed to help adjunct faculty members enhance their teaching and other academic skills related to the field in which they are teaching.  Activities not sponsored by Roosevelt University will have priority.  Faculty members who have not previously received funds will receive priority over those who have received a grant in the past.


DEADLINE:  October 10, 2023  


AWARD NOTIFICATION:  October 31, 2023


Completed applications should be delivered to the RAFO Professional Development Committee in Room 855 of the Auditorium Building OR may be sent via e-mail to RAFO at: www.rafo.org.


FUNDING:  Applicants who are awarded a mini-grant will receive an amount from $100 to $750 (based on quarter-credit increments). Awards will be paid after the recipient submits: (1) a summary of the completed activity; (2) a list of expenses; and (3) proof the activity was completed.


INSTRUCTIONS:  Complete and submit this application form.  The RAFO Professional Development Committee will review all Proposals.  


APPLICANT NAME: _____________________________________           For FALL Semester, 2023  


ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT   ______________________________________________________ 


CAMPUS:   _____ CHICAGO        _____ SCHAUMBURG   _____ ONLINE 




TITLE OF PROPOSAL _________________________________________________________



                             CATEGORY OF PROPOSAL 


_____Research (Institutional Research Board approved?)    _____Workshop              _____Conference 


 _____Course                    _____Creative Activities       ____Other 

                                                                                                                                           Page 1 of 2



PROPOSED BUDGET (please list all expected costs here and date of activity; list can be attached)








GOALS OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY (Please identify how your proposed activity will benefit you and your students.  You may attach up to a 1-page narrative)








SIGNATURE_______________________________________________                DATE_____________


Please provide actual receipts and additional narrative upon completion of project.  If you are


unable to satisfy the requirements of the grant, please contact Dr. Ami Hicks at:


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..






RAFO,  ROOM 855, AUDITORIUM BUILDING        DATE RECEIVED_________________     


APPLICATION #_________________