Celebrate the end of the semester AND get your questions answered about RAFO, our upcoming contract negotiations, and the RU/RMU acquisition at the RAFO Membership Meeting and Holiday Party!

The meeting/party combo will take place Friday, December 6 from 3 - 6 PM, at Exchequer Pub at 226 S. Wabash Ave.

Roosevelt University is currently accepting application materials for the positions listed below. RAFO highly encourages our membership to apply.

Pasquinelli Family Distinguished Chair in Real Estate: http://jobs.roosevelt.edu/postings/4957

Assistant Professor, Counseling & Human Services: http://jobs.roosevelt.edu/postings/5118

Lecturer, Microbiology: http://jobs.roosevelt.edu/postings/5121

Clinical Assistant Professor and Program Director, Instructional Leadership: http://jobs.roosevelt.edu/postings/5129


Here is the link to October's Higher Education Insider. This publication contains updates that pertain to IEA's work with higher education.

You may also be interested in checking out the Education Votes website, created by the National Education Association to inform our members and public-education advocates on the issues and engage them in support of candidates for office who support our mission of providing every student—regardless of their ZIP code—with the strong public schools they need to succeed.

If you have questions, please reach out to IEA Connect.