RAFO is delighted to announce that one of our longtime members, Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart, has a new book out! Dr. Stewart teaches composition at Roosevelt and holds a Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Malta.

Her new book, titled Mind-Shifting Imagery: Image Guidance for Life Coaches, is a sequel to her earlier books, Image Guidance: A Tool for Spiritual Direction (Paulist Press, 1992) and Image Guidance and Healing(Paulist Press, 1994).

Mind-Shifting Imagery: Image Guidance for Life Coaches provides brief, safe and effective guidelines for using imagery specifically in Life Coaching. This approach can also be used in Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Counseling, Chaplaincy, Psychotherapy and other forms of inner guidance. While she hasn’t used these coaching techniques in her composition classroom, her focus on the use of archetypes, symbolism, and metaphor could be useful in a number of academic disciplines.

To learn more about Dr. Stewart’s early work and how it contrasts with her present focus, you can view this YouTube video.

For more information about her work in Spiritual Guidance, you can visit https://www.elizabeth-annestewart.com.